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During the 2023 Governorship election campaign in Abia State,the then candidate of the Labour Party, Dr. Alex Otti promised to pay the arrears of pensions owed public servants if elected as Governor of the state.

In fact, the non payment of pensions by the two previous governments in the state,became a serious campaign issue during the electioneering period.

Though other contestants promised to tackle the problem, Alex Otti specifically said he would clear the arrears within 6 months of assumption of office on May 29th, 2023.

During a debate of Governorship candidates organized by the Justice, Peace and Development Commission just before the election at the Catholic Secretariat Hall, Umuahia, Otti reiterate his resolve to pay the arrears within 6 months of taking office.

It would be recalled that the moderator of the debate asked candidate Otti how he intended to achieve this goal,in view of the huge amount of money involved. He (Otti) responded thus “It’s my secret”, and went on to say he was aware of figure involved.

However, later events showed the that Otti and his team didn’t know the actual figure involved nor have they exhibited adequate willingness to clear the arrears of pensions.

So far, it seems that Governor Otti’s team has a poor knowledge of how public service operates especially as regards the essence of pensions and gratuities of public servants who retire after 35 years of service or 60 years of age.

First, the promise to clear the arrears of pensions within six months was not fulfilled. In March 2024,(9 months into the administration),when the payment of the arrears commenced, it was engulfed in avoidable controversy, tales of deceit, crass ignorance of the system and an exhibition of ITK(I too know) propelled by pride, and refusal to learn the rudiments of public service from those versed in it.

Available information indicates that the Pensioners Union had issued a statement calling for discarding the so called agreement which provides for a write – off of a large part of pensions and gratuities of retired workers without their consent.

Keen observers including the pensioners have wondered why a government which won an election on the promise to clear arrears of pensions would turn around to lure a few pensioners into signing and agreement to forgo/ write off a large part of a statutory and legitimate earning like pensions.
Pensioners fall within vulnerable category of the society as indicated by the United Nations Principles for Older Persons, adopted by General Assembly on December 16,1991 as Resolution 46/91.
The Principles stipulate that persons of 60 years and above make up the elderly. The Principles are also aimed at ensuring that the elderly, because of their vulnerability, enjoy special government protection against abuse and being taken advantage of.
Nigeria, on February 10,2021 ratified the Principles under the National Policy on Ageing for Older Persons.

The vulnerability of pensioners in Abia State was worsened by the irregular payment of their pensions since 2013.This situation subjected them to hardship, sickness, homelessness, and hunger which resulted in the death of many. The hearts and votes of the surviving ones were won by Dr Alex Otti and the Labour Party, because of the promise to pay the arrears of their pensions.Many believed that the promise was made in the understanding of the worsened state of vulnerability of the ABIA State pensioners. And the need to provide them with the necessary government protection and care.

However, the same government which should protect and support pensioners has taken advantage of their vulnerability to deny them of their rights to get their pensions and gratuities, which are their legitimate earnings.
The question is:
Why would Governor Otti resort to signing an agreement over a matter he voluntarily promised to handle comprehensively?
The essence of an agreement of this nature is doubtful, and the agreement itself seems uncalled for.

Available information shows that,no time had the pensioners, Labour or anybody imposed the promise on the Governor.

He made the promise of his own volition.

Again, neither Alex Otti nor the Labour Party is owing the pension arrears. It is the Abia State Government that accumulated the debts.It should not be seen as a personal debt incurred by Alex Otti.

What is expected of the current government of Abia State is to maintain a record of what’s owed each pensioner( which is available), use the record to pay the arrears at once or installmentally as the financial capacity of government allows.

Any point the government stopped in the payment, the succeeding government will continue until it’s liquidated.

The current handling of the situation is perceived as abuse of power – government using its powers to intimidate, and take advantage of a vulnerable group it should protect from such dangerous situations.

Ndi Igbo say ” Nkita Anaghi ata okpukpu anya nyere ya n’olu”( A dog does not eat the bone hung on its neck) No reasonable person will deliberately endanger the life of one placed under their care.

The pensioners and other vulnerable persons are under the special care and protection of the government.

It will be unfortunate and sad that the Abia State Government under Dr Alex Otti would allow the pensioners to forgo the arrears of pensions and gratuities using the controversial agreement.

The expectation ot the pensioners and other well meaning people is that the Governor should immediately withdraw the controversial agreement because neither the Government, the Governor nor the leadership of pensioners who were lured into signing the so called agreement has the right to write off the pensions and gratuities of pensioners without their consent.

Similarly, the government should hasten action on the payment of pensions to retired staff of BCA and other parastatals,who have been without pensions for about 9/10 months.

Reports indicate some of retired BCA staff have died since the problem of non payment of pensions commenced.

These include the erudite Director of News and Current Affairs, Chief Chiadikobi Abarikwu, Mr. Victor Madubuko, Mr Okechukwu Ibeji etc.

To deny pensioners of their monthly pay amounts to subjecting them to death, because virtually all of them depend on some medications and diet to maintain their health and well being.
Governor Otti and his team ought to intensify action sincerely to remove the observable delay in the process of handling issues affecting pensioners to prevent their sliding into avoidable hardship and death.

Kanar C. Kanar,                                 Public Affairs Analyst.

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