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The Independent Journalism Initiative (IJI) Group is a Non- Governmental Organization which has three major departments.

Independent Journalism Initiative platform is part of the response to the concern raised by many on whether professional resource-demanding journalism practice is going to survive. The aim is to save quality reporting and other journalistic practices that seem to be in crisis when more news (especially in the social media) mean less credible information and fewer pages.

At this time of seeming global push-back against democracy and transparency, this platform promises to be a moment in time by raising a new generation of journalists that will stand together in support of a watchdog press and accountable society. Through our Advocacy Department, Help Desk and Resources Centre, Webinars and Workshops, Trainings and Conferences journalists will learn from experts in the field and from one another.

With our core mission at the consolidation and support of the practice of investigative journalism, we have an unambiguous theory of change, a change that understands the necessity for the development of a healthy society anchored on transparency and accountability which investigative journalism fosters. This stand of journalism practice empowers citizen’s decision making processes and their participation in governance, and civil society, especially when supported by free flow of information.

As a platform for the promotion of national and international journalism development and practice, the Research and Development Department creates opportunities for academic and professional research-based and peer-reviewed journal publication. The journal which shall be published yearly is addressed to the international academic and professional community. The journal uses qualitative, quantitative and mixed research methods with focus on media and related topics.

Our online media platform completes the third department on our platform. It is devoted to fact-checked,in-depth analysis, articles and news stories that are in tandem with our standards and house style.


News Media, advocacy, and Research and Development

MOTTO: Journalism for Better Society.

Vision statement:

To be a dependable platform for the Global Promotion of independent journalism practice


Encourage the highest standard of journalism practice anchored on media ethics and social role, to foster Democracy and Development in emerging economics.


  1. Independent
  2. Objectivity
  3. Courage
  4. Integrity
  5. Research


  1. NEWS MEDIA: This shall include on-line news outlets, podcasts and on=line TV. They shall feature news stories, analysis, investigation, interview etc. using the print and electronics genres of mass communication.
  2. ADVOCACY: This arm will be the platform that will drive all advocacy initiatives and activities for the promotion of independent journalism practice; training, protection and welfare of professionals, especially those working in difficult environment.
  3. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: Mass Communications is an ever evolving enterprise. To be relevant in this discipline as a scholar, researcher or practitioner, you must keep abreast of new developments.

This provides a platform for the publication of the publication of research works in mass communication. Teachers, researchers and practitioners are encouraged to send their research works for publication in a peer reviewed Academic Journal set out for the venture.





  1. To promote the highest standard of journalism practice, guided by international best practices.
  2. To encourage the training and re-training of journalists.
  3. To promote the welfare of journalists in the performance of their duties especially in different circumstances.
  4. To promote academic and professional research and publication that will enhance a better understanding of media role in society.
  5. To encourage media literacy among the people, for a better appreciation of media contents.
  6. To collaborate with other organizations who share similar objectives.